• Ethics from a Client Perspective

    Each month for multiple years, I have had the pleasure of writing the Abeln, Magy, Underberg & Associates (AMUA) Blog.  It has covered a multitude of topics – the economy, retained search, best practices for candidates, compensation trends and ethics to name...


  • The Strength and Resiliency of the Job Market

    The Executive Search industry is considered to be a leading economic indicator for the economy.  That simply means that if we are busy, the economy should continue to be moving in a positive direction for the next 3 – 6 months.  We rely on more than...


  • AI – A Topic I Know So Little About!

    I know virtually nothing about AI.  Yet here I am, Blogging about it.  AND yes, I am the actual live Blog author.  I am not using AI technology to create this.  AI Discussion is Everywhere As I draft this...


  • Job Hunting Tips

    We are a Retained Executive Search Firm.  That simply translates to the fact that we are working on behalf of our clients (hiring organizations) to fill their senior-level positions.  Senior-level is commonly defined as Director, Vice President and C-Suite...


  • Oh – You’re A Headhunter

    Terminology!  I was at a seminar last week (topic not related to my profession) and was asked what I do.  I explained my business in what I thought were clear terms.  The person who asked then simply stated, “oh – you’re a headhunter”.  (He...


  • 2023 Trends – We are in an ever-evolving time!

    How did we already get to Q2 (2023)?  Each year, Wunderman Thompson (the ‘old’ J. Walter Thompson organization) publishes a list of trends that will impact us for the coming year as well as for the foreseeable future.  The way we engage with...


  • Hybrid versus Hybrid and then there is Hybrid

    The definition of the word Hybrid is one we all believe we know.  It is OUR definition based on what has evolved professionally and personally since March, 2020.  Our definition has likely changed multiple times during the last three...


  • What Language Is This? 2023 Terminology

    I was under the impression that 2020 and 2021 had given us enough changes in terminology that our speech patterns would need no further adjustments.  Well, I was wrong – there are more!  Thank you to Wunderman Thompson as well as countless individuals and...


  • 2 Dimensional Versus 3 Dimensional Interaction

    With each candidate call we make, regardless of the search – across all industries and functions, the first question we get relates to where work will take place.  The questions are varied but all have the same theme: Is hybrid an option? ...


  • Thank you for a fantastic year!

    2022 – a wild year for Abeln, Magy, Underberg & Associates.  We continued to see high activity in the job market.  What does that mean? Three of our searches at the start of this year (from three different industries and in three different...


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