Our blog articles cover topics such as succession planning, ethics, economic trends, compensation, employee engagement and recruiting. New posts are added each month by firm Principal, David Magy.

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  • My Favorite Question

    How Old Would You Be If You Didn’t Know How Old You Were? This is truly my favorite question . . . . . but one I never ask without provocation.  (More in a moment!) When we approach candidates about a search we are conducting, we don’t know...


  • What The Heck Is Going On?

    We are seeing a profound shift in the job market – and it’s ongoing! March 16, 2020 – the day I call Covid Day (I have mentioned this before in other Blog entries).  We went home and career ‘things’ started to evolve: We had...


  • Save It For A Book?

    All Sides Of The Hiring/Employment Equation I have worked in corporate HR (Farm Credit Services, Honeywell and The Pillsbury Company), always gravitating to the Staffing function . . . . . we didn’t call it Talent Acquisition at the time.  I have also...


  • Dell or 3M?

    Do we miss our ‘work people’?  Prior to March 16, 2020, we used to commute to work on a daily basis.  We interacted with the same people every day.  We commonly saw our ‘work people’ for more waking hours than we saw our spouse and...


  • What Is The ‘Truth’ About Today’s Job Market?

    Let’s look at U.S. recent history that leads us into today’s market.   The Great Resignation (timing – started in early 2021) – this can be directly tied to the pandemic.  There were multiple reasons for this...


  • New Year’s Resolution (Yes - in February)

    Mid-January – still New Year's Resolution time!   I started drafting this Blog in mid-January (right after I put out the new terms Blog – the January 2024 Blog – see ...


  • New Terms (Again) for 2024!

    Early last year (see https://www.abelnmagy.com/blog/what-language-is-this-2023-terminology), I wrote that we had experienced and internalized enough changes in terminology from the...


  • Titles and Dates

    In September of 2022, I wrote a Blog titled Ethics From The ‘Other’ Side – Clients and Candidates (see https://www.abelnmagy.com/blog...). Fast...


  • The Brady Bunch and LeBron James

    OR . . . . . Culture and Market – How The Brady Bunch and LeBron James Fit In Earlier this month, I was attending a networking event through TCSHRM (Twin Cities Society for Human Resource Management) and ran into a long-time friend.  (Thank you Larry...


  • We Have Great Clients!

    (Thank you to Kathy Rhodes, one of the talented Associates at Abeln, Magy, Underberg & Associates for this Blog topic suggestion!) As we always say, no one has ever called us with an easy search and a long timeframe.  We are commonly called...


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