Category: Multiple Topics

  • Conducting Your Own Job Search

    I was reading the September, 2017 HR Magazine (a SHRM publication) while waiting for a colleague to join me at a breakfast meeting.  There was a small article in the HR News section on parents of employees who want to be involved in their adult children’s...


  • Salary - The Discussion We Have To Have

    Can you ask a person’s salary history?  Does it matter what they make or made?  Doesn’t the company have a range they work from? These are great questions – and have been asked for what seems to be forever – since I first entered the human...


  • Off-Limits - Rarely Discussed but Commonly an Issue

    Go to the website of most search firms.  They are similar - approach, team, etc.  But something is often missing.   Off-Limits This is a topic that is rarely proactive asked about, but has been one of the reasons we have...


  • Is LinkedIn the New Job Search ‘Small Talk’?

    How is the weather? How do you think the Twins will do this year? What do you think of our President?I’d like to join your LinkedIn...


  • What are you passionate about?

    People ask me all the time, what separates an average candidate from an exceptional candidate? For people in transition, I am commonly asked about factors relating to job search success. I am not sure I fully have an answer, but I found an article that offered a...


  • Final Year End Push

    According to the Georgetown Center on Education & The Workforce, about 74% of all job openings in Minnesota will require some post-secondary education.  The United States will fall short by 5 million workers with post-secondary education by the year...


  • Let's Discuss Hiring Criteria

    Facebook, not the typical scholarly source for information, referenced an article in Forbes titled Ten Things I Couldn't Care Less About When I'm Hiring (by Liz Ryan).  I like lists - I...


  • 'Politely' Get Our Attention

    Approximately 130 to 160 e-mails per day per person here . . . . . . some are advertisements/Groupons; some are from professional associations or organizations we have 'subscribed' to.  Many (hopefully, most) are from people we have reached out to on behalf of our...


  • Entering Year 21!

    My co-founders and I have different start dates for Abeln, Magy, Underberg & Associates. Ken/Mary Abeln and I (David Magy) started the firm in 1996 . . . . . Ken and Mary on July 1, 1996 - with me joining them on August 1, 1996.  (My delay - completing my transition...


  • 19 Best New Business Ideas for 2016

    Each new year, there are a plethora of websites that list the top new ideas and/or trends for the coming year. People often look for opportunities – what industries and or new markets should be pursued? For the entrepreneur, this is a...


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