Category: Succession Planning

  • 4 Short Articles; 1 Comprehensive Story

    I read HR Magazine in short bursts - usually when I am 5+ minutes early for an appointment. It takes a month to read the monthly publication at this rate. In today's world, we rarely sit down and read any publication cover to cover. Personally, I like short articles that...


  • Open to relocation?

    When I graduated college ("back in the day" according to my kids), finding a job was as difficult as it is today. Would I have relocated for a position? This was something my wife (fiance at the time) and I discussed and the answer was a definite YES. After we married...


  • I'm a smaller company . . . .

    So is Succession Planning for us? I noticed that much of the reading I was doing on the topic was from consulting companies that referred to global organizations. Most businesses, while doing work outside of their own geography, are not of the scope/scale of the...


  • So Many Reasons to Engage in Succession Planning

    Yes we have gone through a deep recession. People have put off their retirement plans; in some cases this is the second time retirement plans have been postponed. (How can we forget the economy of 2001/2002?) That said, demographic shifts will, in the very near future,...


  • Succession Planning

    Why do so many companies not engage in Succession Planning yet know they should? I wish I had an answer for you. This past week, I had 5 meetings where this topic came up based on company demographics - specifically...


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